

Nerang Medical Centre & Skin Clinic

Welcome to Nerang Medical Centre & Skin Clinic. They are a Mixed Billing practice offering thorough, caring and family-friendly healthcare.

The wonderful Doctors, Dr. Kal Vuthpala, Dr. Aye Mon and Dr. Syed Ghazi offer comprehensive medical care including skin checks, pre-natal care, children’s vaccinations, heart health checks, chronic disease management & walk-in appointments.

Their focus is on providing the highest level of medical care, delivered by their caring Doctors, Nurses and administrative team.

They have a warm fresh environment that offers vaccinations for the entire family & has 4Cyte pathology onsite Monday to Friday.

At your first appointment, they kindly request you bring your Medicare card & Photo ID.

Concession card holders and children under 16 will be bulk billed at the Doctor’s discretion.